Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I swear this cat has attention issues. I have never known a cat to be so needy. And he knows what the camera means.

Example 1: Jeff and Leo were taking an afternoon nap, Heath decided to join in on the action and force me to get the camera out. Once the camera was out and I was going to take a picture, he looked at me, then closed his eyes. No joke, he was posing.

Example 2: Classic photo bomb. Again he saw the camera was out and not being pointed at him, so he decides to join in on the action himself. And he had to try and be cute while doing it, hence the baby sniffing. He really doesn't care for this baby at all. Whenever I sit on the couch with Leo and Heath is on the couch, he immediately gets off and acts offended. Or if Leo starts to cry at some point and Heath is in the room, he will obviously leave the room.

He must know where all his attention went.

But Leo sure loves his kitties. Whenever I put Leo's hand on one of the cats he smiles (but I have to be careful with this because sometime Heath is not in the mood for a baby that stole his attention and tries to bite Leo's chubby hand). He also watches them move around the room. And while at our friend's house (they have two dogs) he laughed when one of the dogs licked his hand. Good signs.

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